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Tutor: Brenton Veitch

Brenton is principal cellist with Orchestra Wellington (formally Vector Wellington Orchestra).

He was also a former member of The Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and a casual player with the NZSO.

Brenton’s musical training includes Schola Musica of the NZSO, completing a degree in Cello performance at Auckland University with Coral Bognuda, and studying with Derek Simpson head of Cello at the Royal Academy of Music London.

Brenton is also an experienced chamber musician and soloist, notably performing Bach`s first Cello Suite in an adaption with the Royal NZ Ballet.

In August 2012, Brenton was invited to teach and conduct at a summer music school near Guangzhou China.

Brenton is also a trained Pilates teacher and takes warm up classes for the NZSO.


During School Hours: Thursday and Friday