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Future Pathways

Delivering a Personalised Career Education and School-wide participation in a Future Pathways Programme enables students to make better informed decisions about their future direction.

The Future Pathways programme begins in Year 7. Through their Middle School years, students begin to develop an understanding of what Careers education is, develop adaptive skills, and take ownership of their interests. This prepares them well for the Senior School, where they are faced with very important decisions around what curriculum and subjects they will choose.

The Senior School Future Pathways Programme is shaped to assist them in navigating through making these decisions and to provide them with the core skills and competencies required as they move on to further education or employment. All Future Pathway Programmes in the Senior School are integrated with our Leadership sessions.

Senior Students are provided with access and resource from Careerwise, an online 24/7 portal for students and staff.


Imogen Neil
Future Pathways Coordinator
+64 4 978 5033