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Able & Ambitious

At Scots College, we identify the most academically able students and give opportunities to those who are hard-working, determined, independently engaged, and who display attitudes that are vital for success in the wider world.

Our aim is that Able & Ambitious students within Scots College shall:

  • Be identified as Able & Ambitious in specific subject areas (nominated by teaching staff using achievement data, internal assessments, and classroom observation).
  • Be supported to go above and beyond the normal curriculum to follow their interests and make the most of their talents.
  • Have opportunities to select enrichment events that are relevant to them and join with like-minded students to carry out collaborative challenges.
  • Have their progress monitored and their efforts and successes celebrated.


Our Approach

  • Scots teachers aim to stretch and challenge all students within the classroom, uncover hidden talents, and provide extension opportunities.
  • Subject specific enrichment is organised through our Learning Area Coordinators/Heads of Department and is supported by these specialist teachers.
  • Interdisciplinary enrichment is advertised and organised by our Able and Ambitious Coordinator. These events do not fall under a specific faculty and often require significant time commitment by the students prior to the competitions. Examples include the Ethics Olympiad, ThinkTank, World Scholar’s Cup, Tournament of Minds, CRISiSLab and Model UN/EU. Interdisciplinary enrichment is advertised to all students in the daily notices to allow interested and motivated students to opt-in. This allows the enrichment experience to be as inclusive as possible, and tailored to individual preference and talents.


Margaret Sutton
Able & Ambitious Coordinator