Student Leadership
At Scots College, we are committed to helping students develop the skills and motivation necessary to become people who can and will lead – people who will be visionary, committed, compassionate, and authentic leaders who will make positive contributions to their families, communities, country, and our world.
Junior School
The Junior School has a dedicated Leadership team composed of Year 6 students. This team serves as a student government, representing the voice of the student body and taking action to enhance student life. The Leadership team assumes various roles, including leading their Houses, organising community events, promoting environmental initiatives, contributing to the arts, assisting in the library, and supporting sports activities. They meet on a weekly basis to discuss issues, initiatives, and ideas.
Members of the Junior Leadership team strive to be exemplary leaders, responsible citizens, and positive role models. They demonstrate qualities such as responsibility, open-mindedness, and principled behavior, aligning with the school's Learner Profile. They actively engage with the student body, seeking to understand their concerns and working towards improving the school community for all students. In addition to formal leadership positions, there are numerous opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills through participation in student-led committees, such as the environmental council, and within their Houses.
Middle School
Students throughout the Middle School are provided with ongoing opportunities to develop their individual leadership potential. All students are encouraged to "step up," take responsible risks, and move out of their comfort zones to serve others through servant leadership across all aspects of school life, including their Houses, sports teams, clubs, committees, community service, and within their classes.
Students in Year 10 can apply and be selected as Middle School Leaders. Middle School Leaders have set areas of responsibility where they work collaboratively alongside the student body and staff to set goals and serve others across the College. Middle School Leaders work closely with Senior School Prefects, their House Deans, Tutors, and their peers to ensure that they have effective goals and actions that align with the College-wide development of whanaungatanga, unity, and school pride. Middle School leaders also lead an annual "Middle School Challenge," which aims to bring all students and the wider community together to advocate, raise funds, and serve others within the wider Wellington or national community.
Senior School
Students in the Senior School are encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities to develop leadership. Some of these roles will be formal leadership positions, such as College Prefects and sports captains, whilst others might exist through their involvement in student committees, service initiatives, project groups, sports teams and musical groups, and their Houses.
Students in Year 13 can be selected as College Prefects. College Prefects lead the student body and aim to achieve the goals they set each year. Many goals revolve around whanaungatanga, unity, and school pride. They lead by example in their actions and embrace servant leadership by supporting and helping others. College Prefects have responsibilities across all facets of school life, including the House system, Chapel, performing arts, sport, service, wellbeing, academics, sustainability, mentoring, boarding, and Pipe Band, as well as working with both the Junior and Middle Schools.