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House System

The House system at Scots College fosters a strong sense of community, healthy competition, and personal growth, as students are assigned to one of the Houses and engage in various inter-house activities throughout the year.

Junior School

Upon joining the Junior School, each student from Years 1 to 6 is assigned to one of the College's Houses. This House assignment remains unchanged throughout their time in the Junior School. Each House is led by a dedicated Head of House Teacher and a Year 6 House Leader, who provide guidance and support to the students.

Inter-house activities play a significant role in fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition among the students. Students have the opportunity to earn House points through participation in various events such as Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country, House Music, Chess, Haka, and major sports. These activities not only encourage teamwork and sportsmanship, but also allow students to showcase their talents and skills.

At the end of the academic year, the winning House is awarded the prestigious Townsend Shield for Interhouse Competition, which recognises excellence in both sports and cultural activities, at the Junior School Prizegiving. In addition, the PJ Avery Interhouse Shield is presented to the House that demonstrates outstanding academic endeavor and service.

Where there is a family connection to a House (sibling, parent, grandparent), students will be placed in the same House.

Bedding / Macarthur / McKelvie / Pōtatau



Middle & Senior Schools

Each student from Years 7 to 13 is assigned to a House and remains in that House throughout their time at the College. The Houses are diverse, consisting of students from different year levels. Each House is led by a dedicated team, including Deans, Assistant Teachers, a Senior Prefect (Head of House), and Captains (Year 13) of various activities.

Senior students play an active role in organising and overseeing the House activities, serving as mentors to junior members. These activities encompass inter-house sporting and cultural events, as well as administrative routines, fostering a sense of camaraderie and responsibility within the House.

Every House has two Deans and several House Tutors. The Middle School and Senior School year levels have separate Deans, while House Tutors are assigned to specific year levels from Years 9 to 13. Regular meetings between Tutors and students provide support and monitor the students' progress across all aspects of College life. For Year 7 and 8 students, their Tutor assumes the role of pastoral care and mentoring.

Throughout their time at Scots College, students develop a strong sense of loyalty to their House, fostering an element of healthy rivalry between the Houses. Students have the opportunity to compete in inter-house competitions and show support for their fellow House members. Each year culminates in a formal House dinner, where trophies and colours are awarded and the Head of House presents their annual report. The winning House is awarded the prestigious Caradus Shield at the annual Senior School Prizegiving, and the Junior Shield at the Middle School Prizegiving.

The Houses implement buddy systems, ensuring that older students provide support and guidance to younger House members. Additionally, the Deans facilitate mentoring programmes at various times during the year. In Term 1, the PERFORM tutorials focus on building relationships and include interactive activities to help students settle into College life, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Aitken / Fergusson / Glasgow / MacKenzie / 
Mawson / Plimmer / Smith / Uttley