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Visit Scots College

Visiting Scots College provides a valuable opportunity for prospective students and their families to experience our vibrant campus, engage with the school community, and gain a first-hand understanding of our unique educational environment and offerings.

If you are interested in attending Scots College, we recommend you visit us first, to get a true sense of the school's atmosphere, facilities, and educational ethos. Our friendly staff and students will give you a guided tour, providing an opportunity to explore our state-of-the-art facilities, classrooms, sports fields, arts spaces, and other areas that contribute to the College's vibrant learning environment. 

If you are unable to attend one of our events, you can still arrange a tour of our facilities and to speak with College staff. Please contact us to book a visit. And if you are unable to attend in person, we invite you to click the link below to take a virtual tour of the school. 

Open Day 

We will be holding our next Open Day in Term 1 of 2025. Further details will be available soon. 

Principals' Tours

Join a small group of parents and students in a guided tour of Scots College, hosted by one of our Principals. This is a great opportunity to see our College in action during a typical school day, ask questions, and really get to know us. 

Our next Principals' Tours will be held from 9 September to 13 September 2024. Please click the buttons below to register. 

If you are interested in touring our Senior School, please reach out to our Enrolments team to book a visit.

Boarding Information Evenings

Several times a year, we host information evenings around New Zealand. These evenings are a great opportunity to meet our Principals and our boarding staff. You will have the opportunity to discuss the many academic, sporting, and cultural opportunities available to students, as well as the onsite boarding facilities. Please keep an eye on this space for information about our next regional information events.

In the meantime, we encourage you to take a virtual tour of the College and the boarding halls by clicking on the button below.